1.The AIPRF is composed of the following organs but federation is abiding for rules & regulation as per directed by world federation time to time. Ie:
(a) General Member, District Asso.,Zone board (equal to state asso.), Zones Union. (b) General Member, District Asso.,Metro Board (equal to state asso.). (c) General Member, costal board (equal to state asso.), costal Union.(d) General Member, Invited members (special segment). (e) General Member, Permanent Secretariat.
2.The General Assembly is representative of zone, Metro boards, Costal union, Female department, CEO Secretariat are the supreme organ of the federation.
3.The Executive Council of zones, metro, costal, female deptt. is responsible for the management of the federation, which is based at Ghaziabad India.
4.The Technical Commissions, technical bodies, are occasionally set up to review issues related to the deliberations of the Federation & to conduct different level of tournament(s) in India or abroad.
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