All India Poona Racket Federation  (अखिल भारतीय पूना रैकेट संगठन)

About Us

Important: POONA RACKET sports is worldwide patent by name & logo under US Authority of patient tribunal & department of justice & AIPRF is abide with all rules & establishment as getting guided and plan time to time by World Federation for India/Asia.

POONA(mini badminton format) an ancient name of modern Badminton, which is described in Bhartiya literature & culture from 17th century.

AIPRF an apex body of Poona racket (mini Badminton format) sports to govern & mange nationwide, under the patronage & guidelines of World Poona Federation.

In a shorter period of time All India Poona Racket Federation (AIPRF) gets a big support from the most of the areas.

Soon you will know more technical, rules, terms etc. about this world’s most popular & renowned, Bhartiya enceinte sports in his professional manner.